Agencies around the country renew Tactical-IP Satellite Service with Peake

July 14, 2015

news & Events

Agencies around the country renew Tactical-IP Satellite Service with Peake

July 14, 2015


Agencies from around the country continue to renew Tactical-IP Satellite Service with Peake of Maryland. Tactical-IP is a proprietary satellite service for First Responders for both fixed and mobile VSAT terminals.The following agencies have recently renewed their contracts with Peake for Tactical-IP satellite connectivity service.

The Georgia and North Carolina National Guard have both renewed their contract with a four-year option. Many agencies renewed service on multiple terminals and systems, both at fixed locations and on mobile communications vehicles.Tactical-IP VSAT service gives response teams the connectivity they need with always-on bandwidth to meet the most severe communications challenges. Most agencies purchase Peake’s most popular Responder plan, which gives users 3mbps/1mbps Ku-Band service for 10 days a month. Other plans are available based on user needs and mission requirements.Tactical-IP also leverages two spacecraft located at diverse look angles. These two spacecraft are linked to geographically disparate Teleport facilities located on the East and West coast of the USA. This type of system gives users a truly redundant solution.To learn more about Peake Tactical-IP VSAT Service go to

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