PEMA IMT Takes Delivery of Retrofitted Command Trailer

July 31, 2012

news & Events

PEMA IMT Takes Delivery of Retrofitted Command Trailer

July 31, 2012


STEVENSVILLE, Md. - PEAKE has recently retrofitted the PEMA Incident Management Team’s mobile command trailer to provide the agency with more advanced communications and greater capability.PEAKE installed a VSAT antenna and integrated a turnkey IP-Network complete with Tactical-IP ™ satellite connectivity allowing for communication capabilities in any situation. Utilizing PEAKE Tactical-IP™ Broadband VSAT Satellite Services, the trailer maintains a reliable and economical solution that establishes voice, video and data links from any incident, regardless of location or condition. VSAT Bandwidth utilized by the IMT Trailer can be configured for up to 5Mb/s downlink by 2Mb/s uplink.PEAKE also retrofitted the interior of the trailer providing PEMA IMT with a more functional layout and space.PEMA is a premier agency in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania tasked with leading and coordinating commonwealth agencies and resources to prevent, protect, prepare, respond and recover from any man-made or natural disaster.[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="25" gal_title="7-31-2012"]

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