Peake custom builds two SWAT Vans for Prince Georges County Police Department

July 29, 2015

news & Events

Peake custom builds two SWAT Vans for Prince Georges County Police Department

July 29, 2015

The Prince George’s Police Department recently took delivery of two SWAT vehicles custom designed and built by Peake of Maryland. The vehicles, built on Ford Transit van chassis’, will be used to transport personnel from the agency’s Emergency Services Team (SWAT).Peake custom designed the tactical vans for Prince Georges County to provide the SWAT team with reliable and durable transportation vehicles. The vans are identical and include seating for up to 12 SWAT team members. The interior tactical configuration with two ceiling grab handles is ideal for team deployment on SWAT missions. Bench seating with safety belts open up to ample storage for equipment and weapons.Features of the SWAT Vehicle include:

  • 2015 Ford Transit 350HD Van
  • Custom bench seating with durable cushion
  • Built-in storage under benches for equipment
  • Interior Roof Railing
  • LED interior lights with multiple options including emergency lighting
  • Custom fabricated rear step up
  • Tactical configuration
  • Durable flooring

This vehicle is ideal for transporting SWAT team members to incidents requiring additional forces with specialized training, such as hostage situations, large protests, or standoffs.The Prince Georges County Emergency Services Team is part of the Special Operations Division of the department. The PGPD services a population of over 850,000 residents and visitors within 498 square miles.Peake builds custom specialty vehicles to meet the needs of our customers. PG County Police approached Peake with their requirements for the SWAT vehicles and Peake designed vehicles to fit their operational requirements and budget.To see a video on the Prince George's SWAT Vans by Peake click here.

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