Customer Highlight: South Carolina National Guard

October 26, 2016

news & Events

Customer Highlight: South Carolina National Guard

October 26, 2016

The South Carolina National Guard consists of both the SC Army National Guard and the SC Air National Guard, charged with dual federal and state missions.


On October 4, 2016 soldiers with the South Carolina National Guard were activated ahead of Hurricane Matthew. The SCARNG assisted local law enforcement and other first responders along the coastal region of South Carolina in preparation for Hurricane Matthews landfall. The SCNG assisted in the evacuation of citizens- supporting traffic control points throughout the coastal counties, as well as the lane reversal of Interstate 26, which turned all lanes into westbound traffic to ease the congestion due to the evacuation.PEAKE supports SCNG communication providing Tactical IP Satellite Service and PROSupport Engineering Services. When deployed to incidents or events, SCNG utilizes PEAKE Tactical IP VSAT service for reliable communications throughout operation. PEAKE engineers remotely support on-going SCNG deployments.SCNG also utilizes several tactical communication kits built by PEAKE. The Warrior kits provide SCNG with a communication resource in the field outside of their mobile command vehicles. These kits are designed to provide critical communications to field operators and small tactical teams. The SCNG kits use both Cellular and Satellite connectivity.Over Fiscal Year 2017, SCNG will be adopting the new Army/National Guard Disaster Incident Response Emergency Communications Terminal (DIRECT) tool suite. This tool enables the entire National Guard to provide agile interoperable communications services at incident sites. According to the release on, “without compromising the security of the military network, DIRECT leverages the Army National Guard's (ARNG) organic Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T) tactical network to provide commercial 4G/Wi-Fi, commercial phone and internet access, and the ability to connect all the different types of radios that various responders bring to an incident site.”This tool links the National Guard with local and state emergency management officials. DIRECT replaces and upgrades the ARNG's legacy Joint Incident Site Communication Capability (JISCC), which will enable the military and first responders to directly communicate over the Army's robust WIN-T satellite--based network, which operates without need of local network infrastructure.To learn more about the South Carolina National Guard visit their website here.