Cisco Tacops Takes Delivery Of Two Utility Trucks From PEAKE

February 1, 2013

news & Events

Cisco Tacops Takes Delivery Of Two Utility Trucks From PEAKE

February 1, 2013


STEVENSVILLE, MD –The Cisco Tactical Operations Team (TacOps) has taken delivery of two Chevrolet trucks, custom-designed and fabricated by PEAKE to provide the team with fuel reloading, towing capability, and field support when deployed on critical missions.The TacOps utility trucks are Chevrolet 3500 dually’s with a customized cap-top rear that serves as storage space, power generation and gasoline storage. PEAKE custom built a fuel tank that holds 80 gallons of diesel fuel and can dispense the fuel to other vehicle assets once on scene. PEAKE also integrated a front center console that includes radio communications, scanner, and navigation to provide the team with communications en-route.The Cisco TacOps team provides a free service to agencies and areas affected by disasters and emergencies. The team can quickly deploy to support the acute phase of emergencies that affect communications. They establish IP-Communications for first responders, government agencies, relief organizations and other mission critical agencies.TacOps has the ability to deploy satellite-based communication systems with advanced Cisco technology in many form factors including fly-away kits and network emergency response vehicles (NERV). The Cisco TacOps team includes personnel with advanced backgrounds in networking, radio operations, and systems engineering. To learn more about Cisco Tactical Operations team click here.PEAKE is a technology solutions provider specializing in the design, development and implementation of IP-based emergency communications. PEAKE provides turnkey solutions in voice, video and data for first responders, disaster recovery and continuity of operations.

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